Wednesday, 9 February 2011

A v Denmark (Copenhagen) 9.2.2011

So another England away friendly back in the expensive land of Denmark. Just a short trip this one due to being very busy at work and also finances still recovering after the expense of a few weeks out in South Africa. So our very sketchy plan was

Tuesday 8th Feb
Flight from Gatwick to Copenhagen on Easyjet
Wednesday 9th Feb
Match day
Thursday 10th Feb
Flight home with Norweigian back to Gatwick

Tuesday night we started at a local bar, it was very quiet so we headed towards the main square and ended up in the Scottish Pub. Bumped into Stu Adams from Bexhill and a few of his mates. It was a noisy evening!

Wednesday Morning seeing some of the sights and ending up in various bars!

We end up in the Hardrock cafe for happy hour - cocktails were half price

The Match - well for a change a good game and a nice 2-1 win for England despite going 1 down. The pictures were spoiled by the whole away end being netted off from the picth!!

Certainly not a full house and plenty of room in the away end. Ashford Steve ends up behind the "fishcake" flag!

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