Click on individual pictures to enlarge them!
The archive of older pictures can be found here (see end of this page for direct links to the older pages week by week)
Alternatively For 7.5.2010 to 24.9.2011 click HERE
For 1.11.2008 to 30.4.2010 click here
At last - THE OFFICIAL OPENING of the AMEX stadium - pictures can be found HERE
......After JS.........20th July 2011 Another Visit - ACCA event Day.........After JS......

The Gold Lounge (lower) and the trophy cabinet outside the board room

Inside one of the corporate boxes - £18k for the season!

The home dressing room and ice baths

......After JS.........11th July 2011 WSU Open Day.........After JS......

......After JS.........5th July 2011.........After JS......

......After JS.........1st July 2011.........After JS......

The pitch surround is painted blue!
......17th June 2011.........THE LAST TIME.........17th June 2011......
In October 2008, I noticed work going on at the proposed stadium site.
I’ll take a few photos and share them with fellow NSCers thought I.
Two and a half years, and at least 125 Friday lunch time postings later, it is now time to sign off.
Our shiny new ground, named now as the “American Express Community Stadium”, is virtually finished. Just a few I’s to dot, and T’s to cross.
I have seen our new home grow, in the flesh, week on week, through the sun, rain, fog and snow.
If ever a saying rings true, then “Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun?” is as near as it gets.
I can’t believe how quickly this time has gone.
With our new cathedral of football, Brighton has now become a proper city.
I can assure you, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed taking the photos.
Along the way, I’ve got to meet personally several NSC members who I wouldn’t have perhaps otherwise.
I’ve always had support from people within the Club too, without whom I wouldn’t have had the privileged opportunities for inside visits in order to keep people informed of the “invisible progress” from under the stands.
I also got to know several members of the Buckingham construction team, including Natterjack. Remember him?
He has become a good friend, and assures me that he will be with us at Cardiff next season!
Thank you to all that have joined me on this epic journey, posting your comments of appreciation with your unique wit and surreal humour which epitomises what NSC is all about.
Thanks to all who bought our calendars, helping to raise money for our supporters’ club.
There’s one more to buy this xmas by the way! You’ll want the full set of 3 won’t you? Could be a collector’s item in a few years!
Soon, we can all visit the Mecca of Football, and fill our boots (or SD cards?) with as many photos as we like.
It is because of where we are now at Falmer, because of all the good people who have made this happen, I can now proudly announce….
….my work is done.
......3rd June 2011.........3rd June 2011.........3rd June 2011......
All sorts of shinanigans going on within FIFA.
Nothing of the sort here at BHA.
Keys handed over last Tuesday. It's now ours. All ours!
Buckinghams are still on site for another 3 weeks to finish a few odds and sods.
The field opposite the stadium is now contoured to perfection, flanked by this year's poppy crop.
Looking very clean and tidy everywhere.
The soil adjoining the pavement along Village Way has had a cosmetic layer of new soil to tart it up.
I don't know whether this will help or hinder my guerilla gardening efforts, but I did spot several more Vipers Buglosses today!
Coming towards the end of my personal photographic journey now.
It has been nice not to hump that ladder around with me lately.
There will be no JSAECSW next week, but I'm hoping that the week after there will be another "Inside Mega-Special".
That will probably be the very last one.
......27th May 2011.........27th May 2011.........27th May 2011......
President Obama visits the queen.
He should have come to Brighton to see a football stadium fit for a king.
Village Way and pavements have been finished by way of a top coat of tarmac, and all the road markings painted.
Even the builders who I've got to know over the years seem to be winding down, ready for the hand over next Tuesday.
I did some Guerilla Gardening around the perimeter a while ago, just spreading a few blue and white seeds.
Some fell on stony ground....See one of the successful Vipers Bugloss!
......20th May 2011.........20th May 2011.........20th May 2011......
The Queen visits Ireland.
Pre-season training for when she has to wave to people in earnest later in the year?
7 working days to hand-over.
We it be finished or not?
Buckinghams are having an end of build party on 31st May, so I'm sure it will all be completed smack on schedule.
Car park area being cleared and landscaped.
Church field has had all the top-soil removed.
Tarmaccing going on around the whole site.
Poor old trees!
......11th May 2011.........MEGA INSIDE SPECIAL.........11th May 2011......
Thanks very much Paul H for taking me round.
When you enter the playing area, it takes your breath away.
The grass looks so green and good, it looks artificial!
This is one truly magnificent looking football stadium.
......6th May 2011.........6th May 2011.........6th May 2011......
What a week.
Bin Laden "Bin and Gone".
Lib Dems hammered at local elections.
3 weeks to go before the Amex is handed over.
The surroundings of our wonderful stadium are being cleared, cleaned and tidied.
The presentation portakabins have flown the nest.
All the blue hoarding has gone, as well as the fencing along the bottom of the field on the south side of Village Way.
Some small trees look very parched.
Party time at Notts County tomorrow and open-top bus parade Sunday afternoon.
Please don't drop the cup under the bus!
......29th April 2011.........29th April 2011.........29th April 2011......
Took these Wednesday. Couldn't miss William and Kate's big day now could I?
Virtually all the blue hoarding has been removed and the portakabins are on their way out.
Landscaping of the area near the lift is taking place.
The field opposite is ready for the top soil.
99 days to go until August 6th.
We are very, very nearly there.
Last game at Withdean on Saturday versus Huddersfield.
With the Championship trophy being presented, it promisses to be an emotional day.
......22nd April 2011.........22nd April 2011.........22nd April 2011......
Nice leisurely stroll around the complete kit and caboodle in the sunshine on this beautiful Bank Holiday Friday.
Bumped in to Wigman and his friend.
Trees are leafing up, but crying out for water.
Heritage stones being laid behind the West Stand.
Zoom-lens not good enough to see if they were the engraved ones!
What looked like rolls of carpet being taken in to the West Stand, after the workers had had a well earned siesta.
The green covering on various walls behind the West Stand and around the station are where initially they were covered in hessian sacking, then sprayed with a seed mix (hydra-seeding).
I've taken a close-up so you can see the seeds.
We've had pansies and daffs. This week, Cowslips!
Let's do that arrogant mob and ram Adkins's words right up there tomorrow.

......15th April 2011.........15th April 2011.........15th April 2011......
Main news this week.
The Albion are promoted with 5 games to spare.
Who will ever forget the D & R game. What an evening, even if the lap of honour didn't quite go according to plan.
28 days to go before hand over, (see photo).
Grass is growing.
Seats going in at a great rate, incorporating a flock off seagulls.
Championship with a win at Walsall tomorrow.
What a season it's been.
Look out for Barry Izbak's video special on Sunday. It'll be a corker!
Thanks to everyone within the Club who made this visit possible.
......8th April 2011.........8th April 2011.........8th April 2011......
Portugal the latest country to ask for financial help.
No good asking our Tony. He's just spent his money on a new stadium.
Amazing weather today, not a cloud in the sky.
I've gone a bit horticultural this week, including a shot of a few pansies.
The "Blue & White Road to Falmer" from Bear Road to the viaduct is looking superb. The fly-over looks like it's been there for years.
At the stadium, the coach park is being landscaped and tidied up.
The black plastic used for screening whilst the cliff was concreted is being removed.
Seats going in and pitch sown. Sorry, no photos.
A win against Sheffield Wednesday tomorrow, will almost take us in to the Championship.
Inside special next week hopefully
......1st April 2011.........1st April 2011.........1st April 2011......
There was a march against C****** P***** in London earlier this week.
Then I read one of the banners and it said, "March against the cuts".
A riot still broke out!
All we want now is the grass.
Nice planting of trees all along the front of the field, south side of Village Way.
For the nature lovers amongst you, more native tree species to add to the ones menitioned in previous weeks.
Ash, Beech, Mountain Ash, Dogwood and Wild Cherry. (Latin names avaiable on request!).
Will it be 9 wins in a row at Rochdale tomorrow?
......25th March 2011.........25th March 2011.........25th March 2011......
Coalition forces bombing Gadaffi's air force.
At our stadium site, it's looking more and more like a bomb hasn't hit it!
Dare I say, we've started the finishing touches?
All the blue hoarding has been removed from Falmer station area, and the new route to the stadium and Uni buildings is open, but not yet the new bridge.
Planting continues with more native species. Ash, Hawthorn, and I think Field Maples, as well as the already identified Holly and Yew.
Trees being watered too.
How about yet another 1-0 against Swindon tomorrow?
Don't forget it's 1.00pm kick-off!
......18th March 2011.........18th March 2011.........18th March 2011......
Radiation scare in Japan due to nuclear power plants being damaged by the tsunami.
Let's hope none of the plants being put in around our stadium fail!
Forget inside shots from now on, apart from the official ones, unless we get access for an "Inside Special", hopefully soon.
Focus is now on the landscaping.
Hollies and Yews amongst other deciduous stuff being planted thicket stylee behind the North Stand.
More trees by the coach park.
Loads more blue hoarding has been removed behind West Stand.
Oldham away tomorrow. Whatever happens, still top of the league.
......11th March 2011.........11th March 2011.........11th March 2011......
Massive tsunami in Japan. Incredible scenes on the telly this morning.
We're so flipping lucky we don't get events like that.
Stadium wise, TREES!
At last, the first trees (Limes - Tilia) are going in.
Avenue of 20 or so in the north-west corner of the site.
Cliff reinforcement continuing.
I'm told that the new footbridge and related bits should open in 2 weeks time.
Tranmere at home tomorrow and B'muff v Stains.
Could be almost home and dry tomorrow night.
......4th March 2011.........4th March 2011.........4th March 2011......
A rare event - the sun's shining!
Our Council needs to save £ 34 million.
Chicken feed.
You can't even buy a third of a decent football stadium for that money now-a-days.
The storage area behind the south west corner seems to be less cluttered.
Bull-nose edging on West Stand seems to be causing a minor problem.
The bottom 10 feet or so of the cliff behind the West Stand is being concreted.
Still no trees.
......25th Feb 2011.........25th Feb 2011.........25th Feb 2010......
Had the privilege of another inside tour Tuesday.
Thanks as always to Paul and Laura for taking me round.
The industrial sounds of banging, drilling and bashing have given way to more serene sounds of delicate painting, tiling and wiring.
Shiny chrome beer pumps and state-of-the-art ovens have been installed in the catering areas.
The gravel layer of the pitch was just being finished off.
Steps have been unveiled behind the north-west corner next to the access ramp to get up to ground level.
The seating rails are being installed in the West Stand. Just the South Stand to do.
It will be interesting to have another look at the MK Donkey's stadium tomorrow to compare.
......18th Feb 2011.........18th Feb 2011.........18th Feb 2010......
Waited for the day to brighten, but to no avail.
A win at Stoke in the Cup tomorrow will brighten the day whatever the weather.
The ring of steel has now been clamped tightly, meaning no view to the inside of our stadium from now on, however, there should be an "Inside Special" next week.
Concourse and landscaping works nearing completion, but no sign of trees being planted yet.
......11th Feb 2011.........11th Feb 2011.........11th Feb 2010......
Sorry for the slight delay due to inclement weather.
Just a hair-line crack left to get shots of the inside from the outside.
However, all being well, there will be an "Inside Special" on the Tuesday after next.
Irrigation and drainage systems all installed under the pitch area.
Root zone (sandy soil) now being spread.
Flocks of seagulls seem a permanent feature over our stadium now.
Need revenge over the Monkey Hangers tomorrow. How dare they crock our best player, beat us, and think they've got away with it.
pictures to follow
......4th February 2011.........4th February 2011.........4th February 2010......
Egypt in chaos, but the Albion still on top of the pyramid - just.
As Ev as shown us recently, the stadium perimeter structure is almost sealed to those of us trying to see in.
Loads of concourse work behind the North Stand, with land levels taking shape and hand rails put along the access ramp.
All of the blue hoarding has been removed from the Brighton Uni land, in preparation for the continuation of the green mesh fence installation.
The steps to the new railway bridge now have the anti-slip strips and level change colours. Blue, and seagull beak yellow!
Need a win at Bristol tomorrow, or we could lose our place at the top.
pictures to follow
......28th January 2011.........28th January 2011.........28th January 2010......
Still top of the league, the sun is shining, 4th round of the Cup at Watford tomorrow, Bennett stays.
Isn't life grand?
Inside the stadium, the smells of various building works was a joy to breath in.
Paint, plaster, cement dust, and there was a definite warmth. Beautiful.
Noises of hammering, drilling and the odd bit of "Builders' Banter" under all four stands, whilst a strange silence echoed all around the snowy white pitch area, where irrigation and drainage specialists set about their work.
Representitives from Wolves have been the last club to come and drool.
......21st January 2011.........21st January 2011.........21st January 2010......
Thanks to Everest and Natterjack for standing in last week after rain stopped play.
It really is hard to get "different" photos now.
The south west corner looks like it will be filled in very soon, meaning no oportunity whatsoever for anything other than outside shots.
(Derek- help?).
The evenings seem to be slowly drawing out. We're on our way.
Season ticket sales going well, as is the beer at the Swan.
They had to order two days earlier this week.
Thanks also to all calendar buyers.
A cheque for £ 250 was presented to BHA Supporters Club at the end of the fair last Sunday.
......16th January 2011.........16th January 2011.........16th January 2010......
Another 3 points in the bag.
Another Peterborough red card against the Albion.
Another point further from the chasing pack.
Amex ST booked.
How can things get any better?
Due to JS Friday being rained off, some people had started getting withdrawal symptoms.
So to ease the suffering, here are a few pics for your perusal.

......7th January 2011.........Ashes Victory Day.........7th January 2010......
Great sporting week.
England beat the Aussies to retain the Ashes, and more importantly, the Albion get maximum points from their two Christmas games.
The turn in to Sussex Uni from the A27 has now been blocked off, so all traffic for there now needs to enter in to the entrance to Stanmer Park, or "Stony Mere Way" as it has now been named.
Ideas from Albion fans who submitted their suggestions for the naming of this road were for some reason rejected.
Surely "Wardy Way" or "Poyet Place" would have been much better?
The scaffolding has been removed from the lift shaft.
The shutters are coming down in the north west corner, and the blue perimeter hoarding is being removed from behind the West Stand.
Station bridge and concourse works progressing.
......17th December 2010.........17th December 2010.........17th December 2010......
Flipping freezing this morning.
Hopefully, tonight's game against Notts County will be on.
Tarmac has been laid behind the West Stand.
Looks like the trenches for the under soil heating are being dug, with virtually all of the pitch cleared down to virgin chalk.
The white bull-nose edging has been completed on the North Stand, whilst the concourse and bridge works continues apace.
The SEEDA works are now completed with traffic lights outside Stanmer Park, but the opening which should have happened today after a week's delay due to snow, has been delayed until Monday as it is considered wise not to open a new stretch of road in frosty conditions.
Please everyone, consider a purchase, and thanks to those who already have. Jack Straw's American Express Community Stadium Countdown Calendar 2011
......10th December 2010.........10th December 2010.........10th December 2010......
The potential FA Cup banana skin of FCUM was avoided with quite a nice performance this week at Bury. Can't moan at 4-0.
Next up, Pompey at home. Should be fun.
Virgin chalk has been reached under the pitch, and with this area by and largely cleared, is starting to look like a proper stadium with the tarmac track around the perimeter.
I'm told that this will be finished in red.
Interesting little ticket booth, swipe-card thingy being built at the station.
One of the workers told me it was to stop people like me getting through without paying. The very cheek of it!
Calendar sales going well. Still loads left.
They will be on sale on the Costa Express tomorrow.
Thanks for the nice feedback from those that have received theirs.
......3rd December 2010.........3rd December 2010.........3rd December 2010......
Today is the 100th JS’s Amex Comm. Stad. Watch set of photos.
I’ve tried to mark this occasion with a “Special”.
First, an advert on behalf of the Dog, I mean JS’s Calendar Trust!
“Will you want a JS’s Amex Calendar?
For less than £ 0.03 a day you can actually buy one.
Please visit the calendar web site at Jack Straw's American Express Community Stadium Countdown Calendar 2011
Your calendar will love its owner, and won’t be thrown out.
We think that ordinary calendars will be kicked out because they’re old.
You should never put a JS calendar down.
JS calendars dream of having an owner.
When you buy one, you have it for life (sorry, no certificate).
They love it in the box in my bed room, but there are so many more that need your help.
With your help, please visit Jack Straw's American Express Community Stadium Countdown Calendar 2011 now.
For only £ 0.17 a week, they’re so full of love, they just need someone to give it to.
Thank you”.
If the Collectors & Historians Society Fair is postponed on Sunday, our most important sales opportunity is gone. It will be hard to sell calendars after Christmas, which is why we need your help here.
Money we raised last year went towards securing Peter Ward’s shirt.
We would like to raise a similar sum this year, for the money to be put to a similar use in our new museum at the Amex.
OK, begging bowl handed round. Please buy a calendar if you can.
With inside visits curtailed at the moment, there was only one man to call.
Our hero from the Valleys came up trumps.
He ran riot with my camera earlier this week.
After the disappointment of Russia and Qatar getting the next two World Cups, and England coming last with only two votes, and one of them our own, hopefully this mega wide-screen inside special will cheer people up.
......26th November 2010.........26th November 2010.........26th November 2010......
Sadly, Bernard Matthews the turkey chap has just passed away.
What has he and our stadium in common? Bootiful!
The framework which held the safety netting on the East Stand roof has been removed, and the first section of "bull nose" edging is in place.
North east corner almost covered in so that's one viewing angle gone.
What used to be known as the cinder track around the outside of the pitch is being constructed.
A large part of the walk way from the new foot bridge at Falmer Station is now in place.
SEEDA road works nearly completed.
The fly-over and associated works outside Stanmer Park will be operational from 13th December.
Looking forwards to witnessing our passage in to the 3rd round of the cup against FCUM tomorrow.
......19th November 2010.........19th November 2010.........19th November 2010......
It was announced this week that Prince William will be marrying Kate Middleton in June. It only seems like yesterday that I got married. I wish it was tomorrow. I'd cancel it.
Where should this momentous event (zzzzzzzzz) take place? Somewhere of historic importance. Somewhere beautiful. Somewhere where the world will be in awe of the architectural importance.
It's obvious really.
See photos coming up!
Mystery structure is a lift shaft.
Hand rails being fitted to footbridge over rail way line.
SEEDA works nearly there. They were planting daffodil bulbs at the base of the fly-over.
......12th November 2010.........12th November 2010.........12th November 2010......
With students riotting this week over tuition fees, they should come and watch the Albion.
Be educated in the art of how to play football. Money well spent I'd say.
Very, very difficult now to get good positions to take photos.
North Stand exterior block work virtually complete and South Stand moving along nicely.
It looks like there's a mystery structure going up behind the South Stand (third photo). Any ideas anyone?
Concourse work taking most of the action this week.
Main area behind North Stand has had most of the base layer of tarmac put down.
......5th November 2010.........5th November 2010.........5th November 2010......
With a Rolls Royce engine falling off of a huge plane earlier this week, it's reassuring to see the Rolls Royce of stadia being skillfully put together with no chance of a structural failure.
Waited for the light to improve, but alas it just got worse.
I couldn't keep my public waiting any longer, so went off in to the murk with my trusty camera and did my best.
Took a few shots on Wednesday too when the weather was better.
Get your bottoms on those Withdean seats for the magic of the cup against Woking tomorrow. 7 - 0 anybody?
......29th October 2010.........29th October 2010.........29th October 2010......
Reggae legend Gregory Isaacs sadly passed away this week, but the Stripes and the stadium go marching on.
Nice to meet NSC's "Art vs Science" this morning who also took a few photos.
The mesh fencing is now being erected at the back of the West Stand, and the north-west corner has started to be enclosed.
It's all go on the concourse work.
See you on the terracing at Posh tomorrow.
......22nd October 2010.........22nd October 2010.........22nd October 2010......
The fall-out from the Government's spending review will hit us all.
Make sure you ring-fence a budget for your Amex season tickets.
Visited the shrine yesterday to take advantage of some beautiful autumn sun.
Shots of the inside from the outside now getting very restricted.
The blue hoarding which ran along the path behind the North Stand, has been removed. The ground levels have been built up, and you can't get along there now.
The hoarding, I believe is going to be replaced with green mesh fencing which is in piles around the site.
The new railway footbridge has had it's own ramp-up event!
Next month should see the SEEDA road works finished.
......15th October 2010.........15th October 2010.........15th October 2010......
The celebrations we've just witnessed with the rescue of the 33 trapped Chilean miners will be nothing compared to what will happen on 6th August in Brighton next year.
69 days? We've been suffering for 13 years!
The white bull-nose edging is being fitted to the edge of the East Stand roof.
Block work on North and South Stands ever rising to meet the roofs.
Access ramp behind the North Stand taking shape.
Station concourse and SEEDA roadworks all progressing nicely.
See you all at Charlton tomorrow.
......11th October 2010.........INSIDE SPECIAL.........11th October 2010......
Inside special as promissed.
What can I say that hasn't already been said?
Let the photos speak for themselves.
It's going to be fantastic.
......8th October 2010.........8th October 2010.........8th October 2010......
Very autumnal this morning. Waited until mid-day and the sun duly appeared.
The GOSBTS takes on a silvery sheen when viewed from certain angles with the sun out. Reminds me of my two-tone suit I wore in the early '70's!
The West Stand facia and surrounds look very clean, neat and tidy - dare I say virtually finished?
Block work continues apace on the North and South Stands.
Massive concrete blocks appearing by the station to support the walkway from the new foot bridge.
Here's to a decent showing on the telly against 3rd placed Bournemouth tomorrow, and of course, 3 points.
Ah! Don't forget to sing Good Old Sussex By the Sea SLOWLY!!!
......1st October 2010.........1st October 2010.........1st October 2010......
With the forecast of monsoon conditions today, I visited the holy land yesterday in glorious sunshine. Up there for thinking, down there for........!
It looks like the blue netting has been removed from a section of the west stand, and from below, the GOSBTS has just a blue tint to it, even though from the above it looks deep blue.
With interior shots getting harder to snap as each week goes by, attention has started to focus more on the infrastructure.
The Falmer station concourse works move on, as do the SEEDA works outside Stanmer Park.
I don't know if the road built along side the railway track on the north side between the station entrance and bridge over the A27 is permanent or just there until they fiinsh reinforcing the sidings?
3 points clear at the top as we speak. Am I dreaming?
For 7.5.2010 to 24.9.2011 click HERE
For 1.11.2008 to 30.4.2010 click here
Keep up the good work JS brilliant pictures and link sent to my friends abroad
yes, brilliant pictures... great to see this develop all the way from here in australia... It's going to be a fantastic archive! You must put them all together in a time-lapse one day!
I'm very lucky to be in a position to do be able to do this. It's great to be able to keep fellow Albion fans all over the world, up to date with progress. Thanks for your kind comments.
Cheers, JS.
you wanna be using them eco friendly re-usable profiles called Cross-Bones they're ace ....Google it
great site by the way
nicely done
Jack Ryan
Asbestos Removal
Site Restoration
What a great pictorial record for Albion fans to look back on !!!. DG
Hi, great record of the works - just wondering if you know why they have demolished two parts of the new road infrastructure for the off ramp (well trying – it’s seriously reinforced) - any idea?
The road support nearest to the stadium site apparently got frosted so would not be strong enough to hold up the fly-over.
This was knocked down in no time, and another one rebuilt in record time. As I type, they are constructing the formwork which joins both supports up. Photos of which will follow in a couple of days.
does anyone know how to contact the photographers?
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