Monday 8 September 2014

A v Switzerland (Basel) 8.11.2014

The Euro 2016 campaign starts, away trips to Switzerland, Estonia, Slovenia, Lithuania and San Marino. With the competition expanded to 24 teams it now means the top 2 qualify from each group.

My nice hotel in Basel
So with the World Cup over it is now time for the Euro 2016 qualifiers, The first match was on paper the hardest of the entire group and away v Switzerland.  They had got to the last 16 of the World Cup and narrowly lost 1-0 to Argentina.  They had moved up to 9th in the FIFA rankins 11 places above England.

The good old traditional tram system works a treat in Basel
We decided to do the beer in three countries tradition when you head to Basel so caught the tram as far as we could in the direction of Germany.  By this time next year the Tram  will run between the two countries.

So we cross from Switzerland into Germany,  the boarder post exists but it is unmanned.  I had no Euros on me and the first pub only accepted them, luckily my mate had a few on him!

and after a quick beer in Germany we walk over the bridge into France,,,,,,my first port of call was not the bar but a cashpoint so that I could them go to the bar!!

I had a pint of this for the first and the last time....YUK!

So after an expensive time in France we headed back to Germany.  We settled down in the bar and waited for our mates Man City Dave, Kev, Fiona and Rob Jones to join us to watch the Germany v Scotland match.  At only £2.80 a pint of Ganter beer it would have been rude not too!  Anyway it ended up a bar full of English and Germans cheering on Germany to a lucky 2-1 win over our plucky best Union buddies.

After the final whistle it was back from Germany into Switzerland and a few more beers in central Basel until the early hours!

My hotel was very posh and the plasma TV screen was massive. After a heavy and late night I didnt get up much before midday!  It was then a shower then back to central Basel to meet up with everyone again and also to sign in for Englandfans at the Hilton hotel.

Pre Match beers in a nice bar we found away from centre so a little cheaper!
Match time.  So it was time to head to the St Jacob stadium.  Sadly this time a much reduced away allocation of just 2,300 tickets (4,500 last time).  So we were all in the corner block, but the atmosphere was superb, with everyone behind the team!

2-0 to the Ingerlund 2-0 to the Ingerlund

After the game we head back to the bar Dave had been at pre-match!  We were the first ones in and soon settled down watching highlights from the other Euro 2016 qualifiers.  I was still hot so took my beer and sat down by the ice (until the turned the lights out!!)

 Tuesday 9th September

After a few late nights it was a struggle to get up today!  When I checked my phone the Jones's were on the M20 and nearly home, I was still in bed in Basel watching Kojak!  I had to check out at midday so got up at 11.30, showered and checked out.  I headed back to the Rhine to meet Man City Dave and it was a couple of beers and a pizza!

 So finally time to head to the airport.  I have a priority pass so headed there early as I had run out of money so too advantage of the free food and drink in the airport lounge!
Another great trip is over, Estonia away (via Riga so a new country for me!) is just a month away.  Also the home game to San Marino before that (ohhhh I'm so excited)

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